Thursday, October 23

My friend got to see the freakshow that is the Bad Lady. "She's uglier than I imagined," she said. Ha ha! She also found it hilarious that the B.L. has a "No Whining" sign at her desk. Until I explained that my boss gave that to her as a joke, since she is the Queen Complainer.

We went to lunch at Chi Chi's. We were there for over two hours. Do I care? Not so much. We were talking about various things, including how there was no way Rupert could win Survivor and that he will probably be voted out soon.

Also at Chi Chi's were two busloads of grade school or high school kids (they all look the same to me these days) from a well-to-do suburb of Cleveland. While in the restroom, I heard one pre-teen girl tell another pre-teen girl how fat she was, and how she had to go on a diet. Pre-Teen Girl #2 tried to assure her friend that she looked fine and didn't need to go on a diet. Pre-Teen Girl #1 insisted that yes, she did, that she was "disgusting," and that her mom said that if she got a 4.0 this semester, she could get liposuction. Now, it's none of my business, and it could be that Pre-Teen Girl #1 was just trying to show off to her friend, but how horrible is it that this young woman has such a horrible body image?

I should be one to talk. Although I think I am finally going to call Curves today and get a membership there. Curves is the next Starbucks; Curves franchises are popping up everywhere. Let's see if I follow through on that.

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