Thursday, November 13

Idol Sighting
By chance, I happened to look on Dave Barry's web site only to find out that he is coming to Cleveland next month to lecture! Do I dish out $35 per ticket and go? Yeah, probably.

Earth, wind and fire
Yikes! Them are sure some powerful gusts. Damage at the house was limited to the garbage can being tipped over and displaying a long parade of its contents all the way down the driveway, ending at the bottom, where the lid was ready to make a run for the road. And my hair was the second disaster of the day. I tried to do damage control before I got into my building, but as I walked past the mirror behind the reception desk, I noticed that a big piece of my pseudo-bangs was sticking straight up, a la Cameron Diaz in There's Something About Mary.

My Love Affair
My treadmill and I were broken up, kaput, history. It had been living a lonely life, standing upright in its folded state, for several months. But over the weekend, with the prospects of the Cheesecake Factory looming, as well as several months of not venturing outdoors, I decided that our on-again, off-again relationship had to become on-again, pronto. And so right now, it's like the beginning of a relationship where you just can't get enough of that special someone. Me and Treadmill are inseparable. I daydream about Treadmill and how wonderful he is going to make me feel.

I'll probably dump him in a week though.

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