Someone was supposed to stop me.
That was what I thought, anyway. I had thought I had made myself clear on that.
I was not supposed to be within a 50 foot radius of a Bath and Body Works until at least March 2004, upon penalty of dry skin. I thought that was universally understood by all vigilant citizens. Should they see me attempt to even walk past Bath and Body Works, I was to be tackled into submission, no matter what.
Well, the good shoppers this evening dropped the ball. Not only did they let me near Bath and Body Works, I got all the way through the door, and proceeded to spend money on Things I Really Didn't Need but Damn, They Smell So Good! I will not go into full details on what was purchased, because my husband reads this blog. I will say, however, that they have a new hand cream, that I purchased in the "Cucumber and Green Tea" scent, and it may be my new favorite thing. Let's just say that I had to use one of those wicker baskets they give you, and justified one purchase because if I spent a certain amount of money I would get a free gift. And you know how I feel about that.
But the carnage didn't stop there, my friends. Oh no. In this same shopping center is the one and only Target, also known as Tar-jay, also known to my husband and I as simply, "Targs." (We like to shorten words sometimes because we're too lazy to say the entire word. More examples: "dinns" for dinner, "launds" for laundry, etc.)
I actually needed to go to Target to get a few simple things, but of course, there were a few things that ended up in my cart that weren't on my list. Here's a brief rundown of what was purchased:
Cd tower (needed that for a long time and finally bought it -- only $17.99!)
Accent rug for upstairs, that looks something like this (artist's rendering):
2-pack of Lever 2000 soap
4-pack of O-Cello sponges
Ziploc storage bags
Opti-One contact solution
Glade candles in "Spa fresh" and "Waterfall" scents
And maybe one or two other things that shall remain secret.
So, the damage has been done. Someone should have stopped me.
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