Wednesday, November 5

Gripe o' the day
To the client who called me, like, one hour after they called and left me a message: there's a reason I didn't call you back. I'M BUSY. I will call you when I'm not busy. What she called to tell me, she could have left the info on my voice mail. And would have saved us both five minutes of our lives that we'll never get back.

Bad Lady's computer just shut off and she lost something she was working on. It's only funny when it happens to someone like her.

The tickets have arrived via Fed Ex Man. Hubby says they look legit. All set for Lebron Mania.

A good read
Dooce is particularly amusing today. I can relate... in my household, I am the one who is always cold and needing 800 blankets on the bed, while my husband could sleep on a glacier and probably be comfortable temperature-wise.

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