And that brings us to today
I wasn't around much yesterday. I was away from my desk at some high-falootin' country club for a combo press conference (Topic: Our company bought some other company! Huzzah!) and reception (Topic: Our company bought your company! Huzzah!). Highlights included being away from my desk and getting an overly affectionate hug from a co-worker I barely know. So yeah.
Survivor starts tonight. Strangely I'm not as psyched as I usually am about that. Something about the ritual at the beginning, it looks like a large dead carcass. I'm not down with the dead carcass ritual I don't think.
Also, I am gearing up for a major mental breakdown when I watch the finale of Amish in the City next Tuesday. If Mose goes Amish I'm going to cry. If Miriam goes Amish I'm going to cry. If Jonas passes his GED I'm going to cry. If Cowboy wins Big Brother I'm going to cry.
This is a headphone-wearing day -- I'm stuck in the office alone with Screech, Kindly Old Granny Admin, my boss, and IDA (whose last day is tomorrow -- yay). Hopefully it will go quickly.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
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