Monday, January 5

Change is bad. Bad! I get cranky when my pen runs out of ink and I have to find a new one. Major change really puts me out of whack. Well, today at work, we have a new person starting. (mental note: be on best behavior for rest of day) It's just always weird, adjusting to a new person, and people are moving around desks, and it just throws me off. Even though it won't directly affect me, it will just take some getting used to. Also: my computer just told me that my password is going to expire in 10 days. WTF? I just changed it over a month ago, after having the same password for 3 1/2 years, and just got used to the new password. Now you want me to change it again? Jeez.

Grumble. Traffic sucked as well. It always follows that when I leave the house early, I will inevitably get stuck in a huge traffic jam and not get to work any sooner than if I had left on time or late (as I usually do).

Hopefully this day will get better. Soon.

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