Wednesday, December 31

Sketch Factor Awards

As many people are doing this time of year, it’s time for the Sketch Factor to review the events and people of 2003 and to divvy out our own special kind of awards for those most memorable displays of sketchiness.

Sketchiest Reality Show Participant:
1. Jon Dalton, aka Johnny Fairplay, Survivor, Pearl Islands
2. Alison Irwin, Big Brother 4
3. Trishelle, Real World Las Vegas

Honorable Mention: Frenchie, American Idol 2

Sketchiest Celebrity Scandal:
1. Michael Jackson
2. KobeGate
3. Paris Hilton sex tape

Sketchiest Natural Disaster:
1. The northeast Great Flood
2. Earthquake in Iran
3. Trista and Ryan’s wedding

Sketchiest Unnatural Disaster:
1. Blackout 2003 and the blame game that followed
2. Ah-nold elected Governator
3. Bennifer

Honorable Mention: Sadaam’s beard, Whitney ‘n’ Bobby

Sketchiest New Television Show:
1. Average Joe
2. The Simple Life
3. Anything featuring the guys from “Jackass”

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