Friday, December 31

Happy New Year
How are YOU spending your New Year's Eve? Perhaps many of you are still in bed.


Oh, I'm at work.

We don't get today off.

You see, the Accounting Department (I always knew those guys were trouble) needs to be here to close out year-end accounting stuff. The books. Or something.

So, because they have to be here, we ALL have to be here. I made it to work in a record 28 minutes. Hmm, I wonder if that's because I WAS THE ONLY CAR ON THE ROAD?

At least I have saved a half-day of vacation, so I'll be outa here sometime in the noonish hour.

/end bitterness

Happy New Year everybody! See ya in the '05.


GreenTuna said...

Happy New Year Kat! Many good wishes to you, Mr. Kat, and baby kitten to come.

TVJ said...

Happy New Year, Kat.

Birthmom said...

I'm at work too, if that makes you feel any better- and I'll probably have to work all f*&^%ng day.

Happy New year to you too!


Margaret said...

Uncle LeRoy let me have the day off.
The resident Princess and I are bringing in the New Year with chocolate milk, complete with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.

Happy New Year, K@ and family!!