Monday, July 12

Important Service Announcement
The Sketch Factor is nervous today because we are receiving an annual salary review. As always, we expect it will go well, and enough money will be offered to keep me here another year, plugging away and watching my brain cells abandon ship, one by one.

However, there is the possibility that the raise will NOT be enough. I have heard thru the grapevine that there is a freeze on raises. This does not please the Sketch Factor.

If that does happen, there is a plan B. I am not at liberty to reveal what that is at this point, but I have been laying the groundwork for an escape, if necessary. I might just go ahead and do it anyway, because as you might be able to tell, I am not in love with my current employment.

I would miss most of my coworkers, especially Incompetent but Likeable, but the "I would not miss" elements greatly outweigh the "I would miss" elements. But I fear change, in all forms. So it would be difficult and stressful for me to pick up and leave.

We'll see. The picture will become clearer this afternoon.

ETA: It went as expected, but I have yet to decide if what he offered is going to be enough to keep me here... I will have to think about it.


GreenTuna said...

Keeping my fingers crossed that whatever happens will be the very best for you. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

[crosses fingers]
