Tuesday, July 20

The Dominator
For the past couple of days, Dom has been waking me up earlier than my alarm clock and several successive snooze buttons have been. Yesterday it was because a moth was in the bedroom, and Dom was trying his damnedest to get it, even though it was up on the ceiling. He jumped on top of the dresser, and then on top of our little tv that's on top of the dresser, and proceeded to protest, very loudly, at the moth's presence, with a series of indignant meows and rowrs. The moth was still there last night, and Dom kept a vigilant watch through the night. I forgot to check on it this morning, because we had a disturbance of a much higher magnitude.
Another cat had the audacity to walk through our yard! Can you imagine? The nerve! It was a grey cat wearing a flea collar, and Dom was snorting like a bull getting ready to charge. I've never heard him make that noise before. Meanwhile this little grey cat is just sitting on our back porch, staring up at the window where Dom is having his meltdown. If I hadn't grabbed Dom and quickly shut the window (sustaining several flesh wounds in the process from his claws), I'm pretty sure he would have busted through the screen and be five counties away by now, still chasing that other cat.
After that, I had to run around the house, shutting all the windows, because Dom was running frantically to every window in the house, trying to see that other cat. Who, at that point, very leisurely, went on his merry little way.
After that, Dom flopped on the kitchen floor right in the way of me trying to make my lunch and whined at me until I gave him the new plastic ring off the milk jug.
I think that the revelation that he and Molly aren't the only cats in the world really threw him for a loop. I feel bad for the little guy. Who knows what goes on in their little kitty brains? Oh well, I'm sure he'll just go to sleep on his Christmas stocking and forget all about it.

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