Friday, July 9

Things that I fully intend on doing this weekend
1. Getting a flip phone. My current cell phone is one of those paleolithic, non-flip models that, while in my purse, will jostle around and decide to turn on and try and call "333333333333333" several times.

2. Doing my fair share of live feed recappage. I did a few on Wednesday but I will be watching those hamsters this weekend and reporting my findings to the few of us who actually give a damn.

3. Having a "serious talk" with the hubby about some important things. (E.g. my career, his band, how to mesh the two and still have a family sometime in the near future)

4. Antagonizing Domino and the paper bag he has grown fond of sleeping in.

5. Getting tan but not burned.


Mensch71 said...

1. Amen. Did that about 6 months ago and I'm very happy. Also? Find one that has voice recognition. Nothing better than saying "Chinese" into your phone and it calls the take out place.

2. Lurking. No posting b/c of evil firewall.

3. Good luck with that.

4. Hm... no comment.

5. Me too! Me too! Me too!

~ Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

RE #4: There IS a reason my left hand is covered with tiny cuts and scratch marks. I love to get Dom riled up, and then I pay the price.