Wednesday, February 18

Not that I'm bitter
Here's a little glimpse into the lives of myself and my coworkers right now:
I'm so busy that I'm coming in on Saturdays from now until our big company meeting (March 8) and staying late every night and also had to waste an entire day yesterday at the stupid photo shoot. Which, by the way, was so pointless for me, that I get agitated even thinking about it. At least I get compensated for milage and toll booth charges.

Jonesy is putting in 10 to 12 hour days trying to get all of her work done, since she has taken on a new role in the department.

My boss has been arriving at the office at 4 a.m., which is sick behavior, but he is buried in work, as well.

Bad Lady left the office on Monday at 3 because her daughter (a senior in college) left her cell phone charger at home while she was home visiting for President's Day weekend. She also spent the bulk of Monday on the phone with various cell phone stores in her daughter's college town trying to see how much it would cost to rent a charger for a couple of days.

I don't get it, either.

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