Because I'm lazy, I have a bunch of random stuff that I'm going to direct at certain readers, rather than hunting down e-mails, because, oh yeah, I already said it: I'm lazy.
So here goes:
Copsister: I want to send your tape back to you but I have misplaced the slip of paper with your address on it. Can you e-mail it to me at the address at the top of this page? I admit -- it was in a bad place -- on the living room floor, near the TV. When I went to look for it this morning, my husband's shoes and socks were in the exact place where the piece of paper was. So I have no idea what happened to it, because it would be very out of character for him to actually throw something away! [/end gripe]
Green Tuna: I thought you would be happy to know that someone visited my site after searching for "imitation marshmallow peeps." Perhaps they visited yours as well?
Babyfishfel: Up until yesterday I thought it was "Babyfishel" without the second "f". Don't ask me why. I have changed my link accordingly.
Anyone concerned about the goings on in my office: Bad Lady has a new secret nickname. I can't take credit for coming up with the name. We have been referring to her as "Hack 'n' Mumbles" (pronounced Hackenmumbles) because she has been frequently producing a dry, hacking cough, and because she is the only human being I know who can carry on a 15 minute phone call without pronouncing an actual word.
Jasmine Trias: Congratulations, you're the next American Idol!
And one more:
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