Thursday, May 6

Back to our regularly scheduled programming
As you may have gleaned from the skit, there was a bit of miscommunication last night between my husband and I regarding the taping of certain television programs.

Not only did I call him to remind him, but I e-mailed and asked if he could "please please please please please please one hundred times" tape the shows for me.

I met a friend for dinner last night and was not in home in time to view my shows.

I walked in the house at 9:53 to find him on the couch watching the Indians game. The VCR was not in motion.

"Are you taping my shows?" I asked, truly, truly feeling panicky.

I know he felt bad. He apologized. He sulked. He fell to the floor and Domino attacked him. But then he offered up this nugget, which he thought would make it all better: "But I cut the grass!"

Season finale of OC. Having freshly-cut grass? Isn't going to make the episode reappear. George Huff's swan song? Not available in my back yard.

Not that I'm bitter or anything.

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