Tuesday, November 23

Damn, she's smooth
Well, here's another one to file in the "just when you think Bad Lady has tried every trick in the book, she comes up with this doozy" folder:

Sure, around the holidays, it's always slow around here. The workload is diminished, or in some cases, non-existent.

But we all suffer through it. We put in our time, enjoy a cake day, and go home on time. We take a long lunch, we surf the Internet more than usual.

But we DON'T decide, at 3:30, to call it a day.

Unless you are Bad Lady, and then you can declare that you're bored, pack up your shit, and leave, much to the shock and awe of all those around you.


GreenTuna said...

BUT ... where is the boss during all this?

TVJ said...

Yeah? Where's the boss?

Kat said...

Oh, conveniently, he was out of the office today. She doesn't pull that crap when he's around. Go figure.

Margaret said...

Drop a 'secret note' to the boss.

Or get her a Get Well Soon card, and if she asks why, tell her that you thought she was sick because she left early on Tuesday.

Margaret said...

Another idea~~

Make her grovel: tell her at about 3:45 Tuesday she got the first of 3 phone calls, all from the same person, who didn't leave a message, and he sounded a lot like the boss.