Rock da Vote
I voted today. Did you?
Well, as P-Daddy or Puff Diddy or whatever Sean Combs is calling himself these days says, "Vote, or DIE!!!!!!!"
I don't know if P-Diddy will go door to door to kill you if you don't vote or what, but I wouldn't take that chance. Cause he bad boy for life.
And for the love of god people, check for chads. CHECK FOR CHADS!!!
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
1 comment:
Leaving the polls today, Anne and I pulled up to the corner at Stroop and Far Hills. There was a dude in a cowboy hat and a fat lady in a poncho jumping up and down and holding signs that said, "Beep for Bush!" Right next to them were two goth dudes, with ankle-length trenchcoats, smoking cigarettes and wearing Kerry/Edwards signs that were made into those paper pirate hats. I made a comment about going back to the polls and taking back my vote if these were true representations of each camp, which I suspect they are. Anne had a better idea. She suggested we get some cardboard and a magic marker and make a sign that said, "Honk if we're really this fucked either way," and standing on the corner with this menagerie. Today has been enlightening....
-T. Diddy
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