Sunday, November 14

*pours a 40-oz. of Magnum on the sidewalk in honor of Old Dirty Bastard*


Margaret said...

In honor of ODB, I'm going to Foot Locker to steal a pair of Nikes, put some diamond encrusted gold teeth on layaway, and pour a little Mickey's for him.

R.I.P. ODB aka Big Baby Jesus

GreenTuna said...

I feel like the uncoolest kid in the all the land. What or Who is Old Dirty Bastard?

Margaret said...

Green Tuna~
Maybe you know him as Big Baby Jesus.

Kat said...

*snort* Yes, I had forgotten that he went by that alternate handle.

Tuna, ODB is a member of rap group the Wu-Tang Clan, and that's pretty much all you need to know.

Margaret said...

Sorry, Kat~~
I couldn't resist!

GreenTuna said...

Big Baby Jesus? Oh God. No -- Episcopalians are not familiar with that concept. What should I tell TinyTuna? Big Baby Jesus died? Life is confusing enough as it is...

Margaret said...


Maybe you shouldn't tell TinyTuna, with it being so close to the holidays...

Margaret said...

Tuna (this is the last one, I promise), maybe you know ODB (BBJ) by one of his 'other' names: Dirt McGirt, Osiris, Dirt Dogg, Unique Ason, Joe Bannanas and Russell Tyrone Jones.
I hope this helps!