Tuesday, November 9

On most days, I can contain my utter disdain and loathing for the useless co-worker I like to call Bad Lady. But today I cannot.

Today she crossed the line from just being a waste of a good salary and into the realm of Someone Who I Wish Would Fall Into a Snake Pit and Be Strangled By a Boa Constrictor.

Here's the deal. I was working with a client, with whom I have had a decent rapport. Bad Lady was working with a client who was partnering up with my client. So both needed new business cards. I had designed a logo for my client, which then Bad Lady's client wanted on her cards, so I gave B.L. the artwork.

B.L.'s client wanted a slight change to the logo. B.L. didn't feel like making the change, so she told the client that it couldn't be done because I didn't have time to do it.

Thanks. Way to make me the bad guy.

So her client responded that she would just wait until I had time to do it. So I did it -- in about five minutes, which, if B.L. had just asked me to make the change, I would have done it right then and there. She is just a lazy, worthless, piece of...

Yeah. So I'm in a mood today.


Margaret said...

I forgot~mine is called Moody Girl (the other is Frau Frumpy~~whole 'nother story!).

Johnny Newt said...

Hey, i use the "don't have time shit" almost every day, you are obviously taking that job of yours way to seriously. sounds like B.L 's got her poop in a groop.
Is she hot? Does she dress all slutty? What is she wearing right now??