Monday, September 19

Week nine photos
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Phew! Nine weeks old!

He was born two months ago. It seems hard to believe that it's already been that long. The time has just flown.

Now he's starting to outgrow his newborn clothes, and he's already out of the newborn diapers.

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This has been a week of firsts. First day in day care, first Browns game, and, unfortunately, first case of the sniffles. I've got them too. I had to vaccuum boogers out of his nose with the plastic bulb. He screamed bloody murder. I felt horrible.

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Fortunately, he forgave me.

1 comment:

lifeonhold said...

Awww, my first pics of the ba-by!
Very very cute. I hope to discover his name in upcoming posts!

[I'm working backwards thru your blog to catch up. You've probably noticed that today is Katjam Blog Day for Lifeonhold.]