To the wire
I've gotta hand it to the Democrats. They are really rallying the troops, so to speak. Last evening, Bill Clinton called. OK, so it was a recording of Bill, but it was Bill Clinton all the same. My husband made me answer the phone because it was during a crucial point during That Football Game Which Shall Not Be Mentioned, and he thought it was going to be my mom flipping out. It turned out that Bill wanted to thank me/us for our support and to let us know to vote on November 2.
Then we went out to dinner (Mexican!) and when we came back, we had a message. Again, thinking it was my mom with a post TFGWSNBM jubliation message, my husband was wary of playing it. (He roots for That Team in Columbus.) However, it was a very friendly volunteer for the John Kerry campaign, who wanted to make sure that my husband's address on file was current, and if not, he could file a provisional ballot, and told him his polling location, and offered to drive him there.
Lord only knows what is going to happen on Tuesday. Every day I feel different. It's going to be a close race, perhaps it will be too close to call, as was the case in 2000. In fact, Ohio already has some brewing voter controversies. So it won't be a surprise if the winner is determined weeks, if not months, from Tuesday.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to the excitement that is sure to come this week.
Oh, that, and The O.C. premeire.
You got a problem with that?
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago