Tuesday, August 23

Discount this
Honestly. I was under the impression that Lee Iococa had kicked the bucket, like, ten years ago. Now he's been resurrected from the dead and is appearing in Crysler commercials out the wazoo. My vote for most annoying? Well, all of them, but in particular, the one with his red-haired granddaughter, or actress portraying his granddaughter.

What is the big deal with employee discounts anyway? Just another gimmick? It seems like one company did it and now they're all doing it. Whatever.

I'm taking the munchkin into the office tomorrow for the obligatory Oohing and Aahing by all the old biddies. I'm actually looking forward to it. It certainly beats my usual day, where the highlight is back to back Days of Our Lives and Passions.


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GreenTuna said...

Look! A REAL comment!! How is the Doodle doo-doo-doodling? Is he washing dishes and mowing the lawn yet? Hamster recapping?

Kat said...

Jiminy Cricket! What the hell?! I have a Sketch Factor site.