Sunday, January 16

Yet another real conversation that took place in my office
At the end of the day on Friday, I was in my boss' office with another co-worker, and we were half talking business, and half bullshitting. He gets a call from someone to whom he has been trying to send an e-mail all day, and the person still hasn't gotten it.

So, after that call, he dials our head of I.T. and tells him that he is having trouble sending this e-mail.

Boss: (to I.T. guy) An attachment? Yeah, there was an attachment, it was a ... (looks at me)
Me: JPG image.
Boss: (cups hand over phone) Are you screwing with me?
Me: What?!? No.
Boss: OK, then. (to I.T. guy) A JPG midget?

I had to leave the room as tears were streaming down my face from laughing too hard.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

He may be a tad better than my supervisor, who forgets to open Outlook, then wonders (out loud) why she doesn't get any emails.

Why is it always the bosses that are computer 'tards?