Thursday, July 14

Past due
This is CLEARLY my husband's fault.

I abhor procrastination. I have never been late to an appointment, never turned in a term paper late, never waited until the last minute to do something.

If you give me a deadline, I will make sure that I am two days early. Or if it's due at 5, you'll have it from me at noon. That is how much of an anti-crastinator I am.

So obviously this baby does not take after his mom when it comes to due dates. If he thinks he's not going to be reminded of this constantly throughout his life, he is sadly mistaken.


lifeonhold said...

Every day that passes is a day closer. I guess it's a good thing, and if baby procrastinates enough you might get your preferred method of delivery.

In any case, we're awaiting Doodle's arrival too, and wish you both (including hubby) the best.

GreenTuna said...

AHAHAHAHAHA! I know I should be sympathetic and all, but....*BWAH* Get used to it kiddo. They don't do what they're told *after* they come out either :)

Hang on. Doodle Day will soon be here.

GreenTuna said...

And besides...maybe he's trying to make it to the Jury House. Kid wants a vacation in Mexico, Mom.

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a mother already- he shall be reminded.

Kids/Babies do things the way THEY want!

Bwahahahahaha. Welcome to my world.