This is the second day of my diabetic diet, and let me just say, IT SUCKS!!!!!! Sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks. I've always been a "want what I can't have" kind of girl, and let's just say that I never met a bag of potato chips that I didn't like. And I've been indulging myself with candy and ice cream during this pregnancy because I've basically felt like dog crap the entire six months so far. Somehow, gnawing on a celery stalk just doesn't have the same theraputic effect.
But I will sacrifice my sugar and carbs for the good of this baby. And I figure this gives me plenty of ammo right off the bat for when he's older and I get to infuse some mom-style guilt onto him. Right after I finish off a pint of Ben & Jerry's.
hah! I had to remove my initial comment because I posted it as (my) Erin. D'oh!
Sorry to hear about this! I know how you love a good vending machine snack!
You should do like I did and have a post-birth snack list. Everyone who visits has to bring something from the list. I got sandwiches from my fave deli, brownies, cheesecake from the Cheesecake factory, etc.
Hang in there!
Okay, so I'm still posting as Erin. Weird. I must have her baby shower account tied to my blogger one somehow.
I'm glad you're back at the blogging stuff. It's about time!
Sorry to hear about your diabeetus. Back to cheez-it portion control and endless jars of pickles. Thank god for the pickles.
I'm sorry to read that the diabeetus is back. I know you will continue to obey Dr. Walrus.
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