Tuesday, January 10

Survivors, Ready!
The new Survivor cast is out. Yay!

Which reminds me of kind of an amusing little anecdote... so the other day, I was feeding Doodle and I turned on one of the episodes of Survivor that I had DVR'ed. I believe it was the premiere of Survivor:Amazon. Anyhoo, Jeff Probst begins to narrate, and Doodle whipped his head around to look at the TV. Poor little guy. He probably thinks Jiffy is his second daddy or at least an uncle or something, for as much as he's seen him in his six short months of life. I'm just sayin'.


GreenTuna said...

Just think...only 18 more years when you can appear on Survivor in the "loved ones visit" episode!

lifeonhold said...

Hahaha, Kat. And Tuna? Bwah!