Monday, June 13

Major presentation #3 that was set to take place on Wednesday ... cancelled! Unfortunately it's due to the death in the family of one of our big guys, but still.

And it's not going to be rescheduled anytime soon. If it does, I will most likely be on maternity leave anyway!

Speaking of... I was in the doc's office this morning for my weekly non-stress test and the doc told me that I am having contractions. I can't feel them yet but I guess they're starting. I'm about halfway between a WOOT and an Oh Shit on the excitedness scale.

1 comment:

Mensch71 said...

Hmmmmm. Well, how about SHOOT (cross "Woot" and "Oh Shit"). Congrats on the non-presentation. And stop doing jumping jacks. Doodle isn't cooked yet.