There's this Other Pregnant Chick at work. I never really talked to her before we both became pregnant, but now I feel obligated, whenever I see her, to ask about how she's feeling and make general mom-to-be small talk.
I know these general things about her:
- She is not as far along as I am.
- She was sick every day throughout her first trimester and into her second.
- She sometimes parks in the spot that I SHOULD BE PARKING IN, AND I SECRETLY HATE HER FOR THIS.
- She is not finding out the baby's sex beforehand.
- She is WAY bigger than me. And for this, I feel a little bit gratified.
However, she knows things about me that I'm not sure how she knows. Like today, for instance. I run into her in the hallway and she says, "So what do you have, six more weeks?"
Um, yes, six to be exact.
SHE KNOWS HOW MANY WEEKS ALONG I AM! Not even my good friends probably know that I have six more weeks. They probably know mid-July, but not the exact weekly breakdown. Weird. Borderline stalkerish.
You may think I'm just being ridiculous, but take these nuggets into evidence, as well:
About a month or so ago, a random co-worker ran into me and said, "I was talking about you last night, were your ears burning?" Turns out she and Other Pregnant Chick were conversing about my blood sugar problem, which I did not tell her about, nor did my co-worker know about up until that point.
A few times, I've eaten lunch in the kitchen and OPC will come in and sit down at the table directly next to mine, in the seat directly behind me, and just kind of hang out there for a while. Sometimes she'll chime in if the conversation is baby-related. Makes me a wee bit uncomfortable.
Another co-worker recently told me that she and OPC were talking about how it isn't fair that I am still wearing cute maternity clothes and that OPC is already huge and bloated and swollen like a sea cow (my words, not hers btw -- I just wanted to say "sea cow").
And, early on in OPC's pregnancy, which has nothing to do with me, but it will still tell you how amazingly weird she kind of is, she and her husband created a Power Point presentation using the baby's first ultrasound picture and e-mailed it to people here at the office. I wasn't one of the lucky ones at that point, but I did get to see it, thanks to someone who WAS on the receiving end of that very disturbing e-mail. It had arrows pointing to the little fetus dot and everything, with quotes like, "Mom says I'm making her sick!"
The day -- no, the nanosecond -- that I do something like this (other than posting scads of baby pictures on my blog, because you KNOW I'm going to), please commit me to the nearest mental institution. Don't try to blame hormones. That's just plain CRAZY.
So I feel a little weird sharing more details with her. I feel like she has an Excel spreadsheet in her office and is now plotting my baby's weight (I made the mistake of telling her that he was about 5 pounds now), length, possible hair color, etc. and will show me, with pie charts, the next time I see her.
OK, maybe not. But still. She knows how far along I am.
FYI...paranoia is typical of women at your stage of pregnancy.
What? Me? Paranoid?
*looks around to make sure no one's watching*
I'm 5 weeks behind you (yes, I counted weeks!) and I'm already huge and bloated and swollen like a sea cow. A sea cow with cankles. *sigh* I wish I were so lucky. :-D
Ooh! Congrats Teem!!! Do you know what you're having?
Thanks! We're having a girl. Up until the ultrasound I really thought it was a boy - but nope. Stupid misleading old wives' tales. Um, not that I'm unhappy with a girl or anything! :-D
I wouldn't be unhappy with having a girl either! Little girls' clothes are WAY cuter than little boys' clothes.
Um, and there are lots of other, non-shallow reasons too.
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