Tuesday, June 28

Stir it up
I don't know about you, but when my doctor says to me as he is about to examine how dilated and effaced I am, about the last thing I want him to say to me is, "Do you want me just to check you and tell you where you're at, or should I check you and stir things up down there?"

But that is exactly what happened to me this morning. I was completely taken aback and thus, reverted into Beavis mode. "Uh... what?!"

Then he explained something that I'll spare you the details on, but basically he could move my labor along TODAY if I wanted him to. He also shared with me that he could do it and not tell me and I'd never know. Yeah. So I feel fully confident in him now that he's about to reach inside me to investigate.

Up until that very moment I was ready to get this child out of me and be done with it. But hearing that I could go into labor tonight or tomorrow caused a bit of a panic.

"Uh, no thanks," I said nervously. "Maybe next week."

It's looking like they are going to admit me next Thursday night and start the induction (inducement?) process. Right on time for the Big Brother premiere! But it looks like the actual birth would take place next Friday, the 8th. Mark your calendars, Doodle's almost here!


GreenTuna said...

Doo-DLE! Doo-DLE! Doo-DLE! Doo-DLE!

Margaret said...

Your Doc sounds like the person that says 'Someone called for you, but they didn't leave a name or message' to which I respond with 'why are you telling me then?'

Looks like Doodle will arrive while I'm chillin' on the beach in Greece. We'll pick him up something...and maybe you, too.

Kat said...

I have a group practice so I'm REALLY hoping that on delivery day, that dude is out on the golf course.