Monday, May 4

Beware, the flu of swine

I hope I'm not being naive, but I am not concerned one whit about the swine flu or H1N1 virus or whatever we're calling it today.

Yes, I have a small child and perhaps if someone at his school contracted the virus, I'd be concerned. But right now, it's not something that is keeping me up at night.

However, there are certain people I work with who are consumed with fear about this particular illness. One went so far as to send an email to HR, begging them to make people stay home who exhibit ANY signs of illness. (Which I am sure she intends to use as leverage to stay home herself). Another infamous germaphobe at my office has some anxiety ab0ut the disease, as well, and when the day comes that she shows up wearing a surgical mask over her face, I will not blink.

I am glad that the powers that be seem to be taking the necessary precautions to prepare for the disease, sh0uld it intensify. Until that time comes, I will proceed as normal with my life - with maybe a slightly heightened sensitivity to hand-washing.


kswen said...

The media has blown this thing waaay out of proportion. It's THE FLU for pete's sake. Tell Bad Lady to un-wad her panties and get to work. :)

Remember when I had viral meningitis that I got from a mosquito and she was on the phone with the CDC??? PUH-LEEEZ.

lifeonhold said...

I totally agree.

Personally, besides washing my hands more frequently, I burn my clothes and belongings if anyone coughs near me.

Doesn't everyone?