Tuesday, May 10

Out of time
My watch stopped working. I noticed it this morning. It must have stopped last night, at approximately 10 minutes until 10.

I'm one of those people who feels naked without a watch on.

So, despite the fact that I know that the watch doesn't work, I'm wearing it anyway. And I have looked at it at least six times today.

Is that mental of me?


lifeonhold said...

I'm like you in feeling naked without a watch. The WEIGHT of my right (watch) arm just doesn't feel right naked.

Anonymous said...

You are not mental...with your body housing a child, balance is imperative. I don't like to go without earrings, but I deal with it if I forget them. When it comes to my watch, I turn around and head back home to retrieve it when I forget.

I'm with you - wrong time is always better than no time at all.


GreenTuna said...

And just think....it's right twice a day!