Thursday, February 14

I has been warned
Driving Doodle to day care this morning, I got a stern talking-to.
"Mommy, don't hit me," Doodle said from the back seat.
"Don't hit you? I would never hit you. It's not nice to hit," I said.
"Don't hit Daddy," he said. "Go to time out."
"I would never hit Daddy. It's not nice to hit," I said.

I was also instructed not to pull Doodle's or Daddy's hair, and finally not to bite Doodle's or Daddy's finger.

I guess he told me!


GreenTuna said...

*snort* Have you seen the "Charlie Bit Me" video on YouTube? Better not show him that one either.....

lifeonhold said...

Sounds like Doodle was set up by someone (scared hubbie) to lay down the law.