Friday, April 8

Quick, someone call Webster
I'm not positive, but I think I have coined a new word. Probably not, because it's not that original, but it makes me chuckle.

The word is gigundies. As in, gigantic undies. Also known in some circles as granny panties. They are the most hideous of the underclothes, large swathes of unsexy material in sizes the good Lord didn't intend. The kind you buy at Target in 8-packs for $6 that come rolled up in a plastic bag like socks sometimes do.

Not that I would know, or anything. *cough*


Mensch71 said...

Tres funny! Don't know if anyone else has trademarked it but you should really incorporate some sort of hand motion when saying it.

Margaret said...

You should add your new word to

My word is Gerglish (pronounced Jer-glish)...the mixture of German and English.

Anonymous said...

very nice.