Monday, March 14

Bad Lady Quote of the Week
At our presentation on Friday, BL was sitting with New Girl #1. One of our office managers came up and was talking to our boss. NG1 asked BL what the person's name was. BL responded, "Oh, that's _____. She's a real bitch." NG1 said, "Really? Well, who of the managers do you like working with?"

BL's response: "None of them. They're all bitches."

And hence she continues to live up to her name.


Anonymous said...

Well, so much for "no whining", huh?

GreenTuna said...

Hahahaha! I'm guessing BL isn't a part of the corporate Welcome Wagon committee.

Margaret said...

One of your 'duties' is to keep BL away from the new help!! I'm telling you, you don't need any office spawns...and it WILL happen, simply because misery loves company!

TVJ said...

I'm wondering how you can limit us to one BL comment a week. I'm thinking you must have quite a stockpile of them.