Wednesday, February 2

Current blood sugar: 101
Days until major presentation #1: 9
Days until major presentation #2: 37
Days until ultrasound: 23
Stress level: High

So the best we could do in Cleveland was a mime. (Mime!)
Actually I thought Miracle Boy was good in a Clay Aiken wannabe sort of way.

IBL keeps asking me the same question every day regarding some way-in-the-distance deadline project that hasn't even crossed my radar screen, and this morning I was snippy to him. I feel kind of bad. It still doesn't beat the conference call from yesterday where my boss blew up and told someone on the other end of the phone to "stop dicking around," among other things, which culminated in an abrupt termination of the call (on the other end).


P.S. Eff you, Punxsutawny Phil.

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