Thursday, April 14

See, now I probably would have just eaten it
First there was Scott Savol. Now, Cleveland can be proud of its latest pseudo celebrity, Nang Duong. If you haven't heard, Nang was eating a bag of Cheetos and seems to have found Jesus inside. But just his legs -- which means, folks, that THE REST OF HIS CHEETO BODY IS STILL OUT THERE. Oh, the horror!

So he did what any rational human being would do... he put it up on EBay.

I think a search party must be dispatched immediately to find the rest of the Cheeto Jesus. I'll go check my vending machine right now.

The worst part of this story? He'll probably make about 50 bucks on the cheeto legs from some sucker. That's enough to buy, like, a whole bunch more bags of Cheetos.

UPDATE: The eBay listing can be found HERE. Hurry! Only one day left to bid!


TVJ said...

I must have pictures to go with my Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sammich pics. *shakes head* .. people.

Margaret said...

I'm sorry, those aren't Jesus legs...his legs are a tad more muscular from all the walking.

Those are Burt's legs from Sesame Street, 'when he was doing the waa waa pigeon'.

GreenTuna said...

Funniest result? Send the empty rubbermaid container and the paper towel rolled up neatly and placed in the corner. Then when the buyer complains, tell him the legs were there 3 days ago when you wrapped them up and placed them inside. It must be ... A MIRACLE! The legs have risen. Halleluia :)